June 2, 2016
Group travel has many benefits...
1. You are less likely to be lunch for a dive bombing seagull, a hungry shark, or an anteater. See the video for how being in a group helps you avoid these unfortunate accidents.
2. Can’t speak the language? At least you’ll be there with someone who can’t speak it either. Or maybe you'll be there with someone who has one of those super cool translation apps that you forgot to download.
3. Company! When you travel by yourself, it's easy to get bored. With a group, there are many options for conversation! We have some ideas for ice breakers: "Why do you love travel?" "Isn't travel great?!" "Who are you voting for?"
Actually, that last one may not be the best idea.
4. Put away that selfie stick! And no, not just because selfie sticks are a leading cause of tourist injuries. Now that you're traveling with someone, you can have them take the picture!
5. If you get lost...there's someone else to blame. Or at least someone who can read a map, or figure out your phone's GPS.
Ready to find your next group trip? Start your search below, or check out our Guide to Choosing a Tour Operator:
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"5 Reasons Why It's Better to Travel in Groups"