Travel Trends Report: International Travel 2020 and 2021

By Gavin Delany

January 14, 2021


2020 was a unique year for travel. How unique?  Well, we looked at our data so we could share some of the most interesting trends and observations and we’re sharing them with you. Check back later as we’ll be adding more analytical insights over the coming weeks.

Biggest drop:  Australia?

Only contininent to increase:  read below!

Skip to the numbers >

When we look back at travel during 2020, it was certainly a year unlike any other.  The severe impact of Covid-19 was felt worldwide with travel bans, border closings and mandatory quarantines.  With vaccinations rolling out, and yet infections spiking, we enter 2021 with a mixed bag of more hope that we can all soon take to the road and skies again in the long term, even as the near term remains uncertain.  At Travelstride, we look around 360 degrees all the time, and in this post we both look back and forward, sharing statistics and insights from 2020 and trend predictions for 2021.

When thinking about 2021 travel, safety will still be ever present in the minds of travelers. See our 2021 Travel Tips and Covid-19 Travel Resources for more detailed information.

Travel By The Numbers – 2019 vs 2020

Destinations Trends

  • Given the impact of Covid-19, it is not surprising that all destinations globally saw a decrease in interest, although one saw an increase in bookings (read on to find out where)
  • Generally, travelers are seeking out more remote destinations and those that are geared toward outdoors and nature-focused activities 
  • Looking at COUNTRIES,
  • On a CONTINENT level:
    • Antarctica bookings increased 29%, all others decreased
    • South America decreased by the smallest amount, followed by Africa 
    • Middle East & North Africa dropped by the largest amount (91%) followed by Central America & the Caribbean
    • Europe remained the most popular, with North America in second place, and Africa jumping into third place, ahead of Asia for total popularity

Luxury vs. Budget Trends

  • Demand fell for mid-range trips while at the same time it grew at each end of the spectrum for both luxury and budget.
  • Mass market 'mid level' trip packages decreased in relative market share by -16%
  • Budget/Economy trips increased relative market share by 14% 
  • Luxury trips increased relative market share by 20%

Booking Trends

  • Average Trip Cost - The average spend increased 27% to $7,855
  • Number of Travelers - The average number of travelers per trip stayed about flat around 2.1
  • Trip Length - The average length of trip increased by 40%
    • pre-Covid, the average length was 10.4 days which increased to 14.5 days
  • Booking Window - With shifting conditions, booking windows have increased their variability with trips either planned within weeks or plotted many months or even years in advance.
    • Inquiries for trips less than 2 months in advance increased as a percentage of total to over 30%
    • Inquiries for trips 6 months ahead or longer increased as a percentage of total to 55% 


We know 2021 will also be a very unique year for travel as the world begins to reconnect.  At Travelstride, we are constantly analyzing demand and booking patterns for our global journeys.  As we uncover more data and trends through early 2021, we will post further updates.


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