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1 Trips found for "valley of the flowers"

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5.0 | Excellent | 6 Reviews
Type: Group tour
Luxury (5*)
Luxury (5*) Lodging Level The highest level of comfort and service. All accomodations are in four or five star hotels, boutique lodges or high-end homestays.
Easy Physical Level Walking or physical activity half to most of day - no carrying equipment.
Relaxing Retreats, Hiking & Walking, 50 plus, Nature & Wildlife, Birding, Rafting, Kayaking, Canoeing, National Parks
Visits: Canada
From $ 13,495
$ 1,350 per day
  • Enjoy a hike to Triple Waterfalls, a five-story torrent of free- falling water.
  • Yellowknife and meeting your fellow travelers to enjoy it
  • Visit the interpretive center fossils skeletal's Arctic fauna
  • See the collection of traditional Inuit clothing from Canada, Greenland and Siberia
  • Visit the Somerset Island canyons, formed as the result of shifting fault lines.
  • Sightings of seabirds, including Arctic terns and eider ducks, can be expected

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"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."
Saint Augustine