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2 Trips found for "valley of the flowers"

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4.7 | Excellent | 100+ Reviews
Type: Group tour
Value (3*)
Value (3*) Lodging Level Mid-range budget with accommodations ranging from comfortable lodges, guesthouses, and homestays to three star hotels.
Very Easy
Very Easy Physical Level Normal generally flat walking in urban or suburban environments.
50 plus, Cultural
Visits: Egypt, Alexandria, Aswan, Cairo, Edfu, Kom Ombo, Luxor
$ 2,512
From $ 2,861
The strike-through price reflects either the high season trip price or the average price a traveler pays for a similar itinerary when the components are booked separately.
$ 228 per day
4.5 | Excellent | 100+ Reviews
Intrepid Travel
Has very high quality customer experiences and demonstrated commitment to responsible travel practices. read more
Type: Small group tour
Value (3*)
Value (3*) Lodging Level Mid-range budget with accommodations ranging from comfortable lodges, guesthouses, and homestays to three star hotels.
Easy Physical Level Walking or physical activity half to most of day - no carrying equipment.
Family Friendly
Visits: Egypt, Jordan, Amman, Aswan, Dead Sea, Jerash, Luxor, Madaba, Petra, Sphinx, Wadi Rum, Cairo
$ 3,508
From $ 4,736
The strike-through price reflects either the high season trip price or the average price a traveler pays for a similar itinerary when the components are booked separately.
$ 234 per day
  • Explore ancient icons like the Pyramids, Sphinx and Valley of the Kings with you family, getting the behind the scenes info from expert local guides.
  • This tour offers so many chances to interact with the locals and experience a slice of contemporary Egyptian life, including dinner with a Nubian family in an Aswan village.
  • Camp in the middle of the desert in Wadi Rum under a blanket of stars – an unforgettable experience that your children won't forget!
  • See the light of the sunrise on the dunes of the Sahara during a breakfast cruise down the Nile on a traditional felucca.
  • Play gladiator in the ancient Roman city of Jerash, and re-enact more ancient epics in the crusader Kerak Castle
  • Take a dip like no other in the Dead Sea. The strange feeling of floating effortlessly in the salt-filled water (don’t be tempted to taste it!) of this unique ecosystem is something that will stay with you and your family for a long time

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