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3 Trips found for "south korea dmz"

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3.6 | Great | 100+ Reviews
Type: Small group tour
Value (3*)
Value (3*) Lodging Level Mid-range budget with accommodations ranging from comfortable lodges, guesthouses, and homestays to three star hotels.
Moderate Physical Level All or most of day hiking or biking, hills included.
50 plus, Cultural
Visits: South Korea, Busan, DMZ, Seoul
From $ 5,939
$ 495 per day
  • Tour dazzling Seoul, capital of South Korea where pop culture meets ancient temples
  • At the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), learn about the history of conflict between the North and South
  • Explore the popular Gwangjang Market, known for its authentic Korean street food
  • At Daegang Brewery, learn the process of producing makgeolli, Korean rice wine and try your hand at making your own
  • Invitation to Chiam House for home hosted lunch, featuring traditional Korean dishes
  • Visit historic Gyeongju, capital city of the Silla kingdom
  • Discover Bulguksa Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, encompassing seven National Treasures of South Korea
  • Walk the lanes of the sprawling Jagalchi Fish Market, the largest of its kind in South Korea
  • Experience Busan's Gamcheon Culture Village, featuring steep narrow streets and brightly painted houses
  • Explore Jeju Island, the quintessential island paradise with its high volcanic cliffs and ancient villages
4.1 | Great | 60 Reviews
Abercrombie & Kent
Has very high quality customer experiences and demonstrated commitment to responsible travel practices. read more
Type: Small group tour
Luxury (5*)
Luxury (5*) Lodging Level The highest level of comfort and service. All accomodations are in four or five star hotels, boutique lodges or high-end homestays.
Moderate Physical Level All or most of day hiking or biking, hills included.
From $ 19,070
$ 1,734 per day
4.1 | Great | 60 Reviews
Abercrombie & Kent
Has very high quality customer experiences and demonstrated commitment to responsible travel practices. read more
Type: Small group tour
Luxury (5*)
Luxury (5*) Lodging Level The highest level of comfort and service. All accomodations are in four or five star hotels, boutique lodges or high-end homestays.
Moderate Physical Level All or most of day hiking or biking, hills included.
From $ 18,995
$ 1,727 per day

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